IT & Cloud.
We’ve all experienced change over the past 18 months, and we’ve quickly come to realise the importance of having agile systems in place that can respond to environmental shifts with ease and speed.
But how agile is your IT environment? Was it prepared to meet your employee’s needs when they were suddenly required to work remotely, often from their own devices?
Was it equipped to manage a shift in the way your customers needed to interact with you? And how well prepared is it now to help you grow your business into the future?
To future-proof your business, you need to ensure your IT systems are flexible, seamlessly integrated, and able to provide easy access to cross-system data. It may be time to review your existing process for data management – do you need to make the shift from traditional on-premise infrastructure to a scalable cloud solution, complete with software as a service? Is your hardware adequate to support an increasingly mobile workforce? Are there opportunities to automate repeatable tasks that could increase efficiencies, improve accuracy, and even free staff to move into more challenging roles that will expand your business?
The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning will transform many industries – are you keeping abreast of advances that will impact the way you do business and your competitive offering? And, is it time to test your cyber security, enhance your security controls and upskill your staff to ensure your people, processes and premises are protected from the rising incidence of a cyber attack?
To maximise stability and performance today and into the future, every business – regardless of size or industry – needs a long-term IT roadmap that takes all of these issues, and more, into account.
Your roadmap should set out how your IT environment will develop over time, with strategic short, medium and long-term goals.
Concerned about budget?
Don’t worry, a well-considered IT roadmap will consider your current IT environment, your business plans for growth, your competitor’s IT capabilities… and your budget.
Worried about being locked in?
That’s understandable, especially after the past 18 months. But you needn’t be. A roadmap tells the story of where you want to be, but it’s not set in stone. Instead, a flexible, scalable roadmap will enable your managed IT service to adapt as your business – and the world around you – changes.
At The Missing Link, our Managed IT Service team works with small to mid-sized businesses like yours to define an IT roadmap then proactively manage the client’s IT environment in line with the agreed needs and budget. We take care of it all, from big picture planning through to hardware and software procurement, licence updates, device maintenance, networking, backup and recovery, and security solutions.
In doing so, we remove the burden of IT from staff members, leaving them to focus on strategic business initiatives.
At The Missing Link, we have a track record of delivering IT support to our customers with customer satisfaction and SLA metrics well above the industry average. Our structured team of highly skilled, commercially aware technical staff is committed to supporting clients with expert advice, service and clear communications.
Expect more, and don’t let your business flounder without an IT roadmap. Talk to us about how we can make a difference to your IT environment and your organisation’s success today and into the future.
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Michael is Head of Marketing at The Missing Link, where he leads brand, demand, and growth strategy across cybersecurity, cloud, and automation services. With 15+ years of experience spanning tech, education, and professional services, he brings a strategic, data-driven mindset to marketing—grounded in creativity and built for results. Before joining The Missing Link, he drove rebranding and expansion at Lumify Group and scaled digital marketing at Upskilled. When he's not building marketing engines, you’ll find him at the piano, in the gym, or chasing his daughters across basketball courts and gymnastics mats.