Company culture is a big part of working at The Missing Link and keeping our staff happy is one of our top priorities. We can’t think of a better way to do so than encouraging our team to get outdoors in the sun, build their fitness and contribute to an important cause while they’re at it!
That’s why we’re supporting the Cerebral Palsy Alliance’s STEPtember this month. During STEPtember, a huge community of over 130,000 Australians take 10,000 steps a day - whenever, wherever and however they like - for people living cerebral palsy. So far, we’re proud to have raised more than $4.5K as an organisation and walked over 4 million steps. That’s the equivalent of:
To say we’re so proud of our team’s effort so far would be an understatement. We want you to meet the faces behind the incredible funds raised (and blisters acquired!). Without further ado, introducing our dedicated Steppers...
Meet our STEPtember champions
🚶 I’m participating in STEPtember because… I’m passionate about increasing the quality of life of those in our community that need that little extra help. ⚽ My biggest STEPtember goal is… Consistency. One thing I struggle with is keeping consistent with my exercise without external support/pressure/pushing. STEPtember has so far given me a great goal to support and think of other than myself. ☝️ I’m planning to get my steps up by… Doing lots of walking! I am lucky enough that I live in the suburbs, so this is a fantastic opportunity for me to walk outside and enjoy the sounds of local wildlife. 💯 My one piece of essential walking gear is… Headphones, so I can let my mind focus on music, podcast or be on a call with someone. 🎵 I’ll be playing this song to get me motivated… The latest one for me is Mo Ghile Mear (Our Hero). It has a good rhythm to it and a slow build up. Support Chris here. |
🚶 I’m participating in STEPtember because… it’s a great way to connect with your work mates doing something healthy and worthwhile for charity... win win win! ⚽ My biggest STEPtember goal is… to get moving! During my day to day, I can sit for hours without moving. This will be a good reminder to get up and get moving to help me hit my daily target. ☝️ I’m planning to get my steps up by… I have signed up to virtually walk the "Great Ocean Road" during September, which means I will need to do about 8kms a day. If I do, I get a medal! So, that will ensure I stay accountable! Hopefully doing little things like getting up every hour and doing a lap around the office, going on a morning and afternoon walk, and just doing little things like parking further away from the shopping centre will get me there. 💯 My one piece of essential walking gear is… Airpods and GOOD music. 🎵 I’ll be playing this song to get me motivated… Girl - 6am remix (Just try to not bop along when you listen to it!) Support Sammy here. |
🚶 I’m participating in STEPtember because... I want to get more active alongside my team for a great cause! ⚽ My biggest STEPtember goal is... to stay consistent and reach 10,000+ steps daily. ☝️ I’m planning to get my steps up by... switching Netflix for a walk outside. 💯 My one piece of essential walking gear is... my Airpods (can't walk without them!). Support Taylor here. |
🚶 I’m participating in STEPtember because... I haven't properly exercised in 6 months, and this has inspired me to get back on the wagon. ⚽ My biggest STEPtember goal is... to not allow myself to ignore the alarm. Mornings are for getting up and moving. ☝️ I’m planning to get my steps up by... doing HIIT classes most mornings and walking the dog. 💯 My one piece of essential walking gear is... a halti - you try walking a Great Dane without one. 🎵 I’ll be playing this song to get me motivated... Centipede by Knife Party, it sets a great pace and its Dub Step... See what I did there? Support Peter here. |
The Missing Link’s commitment to the community
As an organisation, The Missing Link is genuinely committed to making the community we live in a better place. We’re always looking for new and more creative ways we can give our team the opportunity to support worthy causes and engage with initiatives close to their heart. Some of our favourite ways to band together for good include:
Keen to become part of a workplace that strives to give you the warm and fuzzies? Feel good about coming to work and making an impact while you’re at it. We’re hiring for a number of roles on our Careers page. Alternatively, send us an email at