Organisations that store sensitive data are facing more and more security threats. It's crucial to protect that data and defend against cyber attacks. That's where offensive security services like Red Teaming and Penetration Testing come in.  

They're proactive measures that help identify vulnerabilities and strengthen an organisation's security posture. In this article, we'll dive into the differences between red team and penetration testing. We'll explore their unique approaches, benefits, and when they're most effective.  

So, let's get started! 

What is Red Teaming? 

Imagine this: you're playing a high-stakes game against a formidable opponent. Their goal is to win as quickly and as efficiently as possible. That's the concept behind
Red Teaming. It's an advanced security assessment technique that simulates real-world attacks on an organisation's systems, people, and processes.  

The name "Red Team" comes from military and intelligence operations, where it refers to the force that challenges offensive and defensive plans. The goal of Red Team testing is to penetrate and bypass an organisation's defences without being detected, by thinking like a sophisticated adversary. 

How does Red Team testing prevent cyber attacks? 

Red Team testing goes beyond traditional penetration testing. It takes a holistic approach to evaluate an organisation's security posture. This means using real-world tactics, tools, and procedures. Typically, it involves:

  • Gathering open-source intelligence, 
  • Using social engineering techniques,  
  • Identifying technical vulnerabilities; and,
  • Exploiting these vulnerabilities. 

By simulating sophisticated attacks, Red Team testing assesses an organisation's ability to detect and respond to threats, along with evaluating physical and logical security measures, security awareness, and overall culture. This comprehensive approach helps uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organisation's security defences. 

Why use Red Team cyber security testing? 

So, what is in it for organisations? Well, Red Teaming offers several key benefits. 

Firstly, it provides valuable insights into your security posture, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and the effectiveness of detection and response capabilities.  

It also helps validate the investment made in security controls, technologies, and incident response teams. By identifying gaps and weaknesses, organisations can take proactive steps to address them, enhance their security measures, and reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks. 

Last but not least, Red Team testing provides a realistic view of an organisation's security readiness by simulating the tactics and techniques used by real-world adversaries. Do you think your defences, controls and processes could stand up against a professional cybercriminal group? A red team test will let you know if the answer is yes. 

What is Penetration Testing? 

Now, let's shift our focus to
penetration testing (also known as pen testing). Though similar to Red Team testing, this security assessment technique zooms in on finding exploitable vulnerabilities within an organisation's systems and networks. It has a narrower scope compared to red team testing, honing in on specific areas like: 

  • External infrastructure,  
  • Web applications,  
  • Mobile applications; or, 
  • Remote desktops.  

The main objective of penetration testing is to assess security risks, evaluate the effectiveness of security controls, and provide recommendations for fixing vulnerabilities. Penetration testers are not concerned with your responsiveness to an actual attack. They are only checking whether the systems in place are vulnerable to an attack. 

How does Penetration Testing work? 

During a penetration test, a team of skilled security professionals uses best practices, methodologies, and tools to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Interestingly, the same techniques employed by the Red Team may be used by Penetration Testers. The difference being that a Red Team will test the defensive perimeter and attempt to remain undetected, while penetration testers will only focus on vulnerabilities without the need for stealth.

Penetration testers gauge the level of risk they pose to your organisation by exploiting these vulnerabilities. The outcome of a penetration test is a detailed report that highlights exploitable security vulnerabilities and provides recommendations for remediation. 

Why use Penetration Testing? 

Penetration Testing is a valuable tool for organisations looking to identify and mitigate specific vulnerabilities within their systems. It helps them understand their security risks and offers actionable recommendations to fix vulnerabilities. 

Compared to Red Teaming, penetration testing is generally more cost-effective. It operates within shorter testing windows and focuses on specific areas of concern. You can strengthen your security posture, reduce the risk of successful attacks, and stay compliant with industry regulations by conducting regular penetration tests. 

How to choose between Red Team & Penetration tests 

Now, the big question: which one should you choose? Well, the decision depends on your organisation's specific needs and objectives. 

If you are looking for a comprehensive assessment of your overall security posture, including detection and response capabilities, security awareness, and culture, then Red Teaming is the way to go. This type of engagement is perfect for evaluating your defences and incident response processes against sophisticated tactics and techniques used by cybercriminals.  

On the other hand, if you only want to identify and fix specific vulnerabilities within your systems, applications or networks, Penetration Testing is the right choice. It will not test your defensive systems or incident response processes but will help to identify potential paths of attack cybercriminals may employ and remediate these.  

Understanding your goals and desired outcomes will help you determine which approach aligns best with your requirements. 

Need help with your Cyber Security? Contact us today! 

Making sure your cyber security is rock-solid is vital in today's threat landscape. That's why The Missing Link is here to help. 

As a leading provider of offensive security services, we offer expert Red Teaming, Penetration Testing, and comprehensive cyber security solutions. Our experienced professionals and cutting-edge techniques can assess your security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and strengthen your defences.  

Get in touch with The Missing Link today to learn more about our offensive security services and how we can safeguard your organisation against evolving cyber threats. 


Jack Misiura