Cybercriminals don’t just target systems – they target your people. One wrong move by an employee can open the door to a devastating breach, costing your business time, money, and reputation.

That’s why cyber security training isn’t just an IT concern – it’s essential for everyone in your organisation. Effective cyber security training helps your team identify and prevent threats, while security awareness training builds a culture of vigilance. In this article, we’ll dive into five powerful reasons why investing in employee training is critical to defending your business from today’s cyber threats.


Which industries require the most cyber security awareness? 

Cyber security is no longer just a concern for the tech industry. As technology becomes integral to nearly every sector, cyber security awareness has become a must-have for companies of all sizes.

Healthcare is one such industry that is becoming increasingly dependent on technology. With the rise of electronic medical records (EMRs), healthcare organisations are storing vast amounts of sensitive patient information online. As a result, they must ensure their employees are trained in best practices for cyber security to avoid data breaches.

The financial industry is another sector that demands high levels of cyber security awareness. With the increasing use of online banking and digital transactions, financial organisations must be diligent in protecting sensitive financial information from cyber threats.

But no matter your industry, one thing is for sure: no organisation is immune to a cyber attack. Your people often represent your weakest link – unless they have the right training. 

5 reasons cyber security training is more important in 2024 than ever before 

5 reason to train your employees in cyber security

Here are some reasons to invest in cyber security training in 2024:

1. Growing attack surfaces 

As workplaces become more flexible and remote, the attack surface for cyber threats continues to expand. Email phishing, credential harvesting, and other tactics are being refined by cybercriminals to target unprepared employees. Cyber security training equips your workforce with the skills to recognise and prevent these attacks. 

2. Increasing regulations and penalties

Governments are imposing stricter regulations to protect customer data, and failing to comply can result in heavy fines. In Australia, the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme (NDBS) and recent Privacy Act reforms have made penalties for data breaches significantly higher. Cyber security training ensures employees follow best practices to avoid costly fines.

3. Enhanced ROI 

The return on investment (ROI) from cyber security training can be substantial. You can reduce the cost of repairs and “band-aid fixes” that are often required after a data breach by investing in training for your employees. This can be easily tracked and reported on to the business through metrics such as number of phishing simulations and suspicious emails reported and number of simulations failed. 

4. Improved security culture 

Training your employees in cyber security can help to create a culture of security in your organisation. When employees understand the importance of cyber security and the role they play in keeping sensitive information safe, they are more likely to follow best practices and help create a secure environment. 

5. Increased threat complexity

Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics, using more sophisticated attacks that target human vulnerabilities. Security awareness training helps employees stay ahead of these threats by learning how to detect and respond to them effectively.

What does the ROI on cyber security training look like? 

The ROI on cyber security training is substantial, as it strengthens your organisation's defence against cyber threats and data breaches. The cost of training is easily outweighed by the long-term savings, from preventing breaches to reducing downtime and compliance risks.

Neglecting to train employees can result in financial penalties, lost productivity, and higher cyber insurance premiums due to inadequate security measures. A trained workforce boosts confidence, fosters a proactive security culture, and mitigates risks.

To further strengthen your defences, explore our tailored Security Solutions.

The best way to go about cyber security training


Why train your employees

Effective cyber security training offers various methods to suit different learning styles. A comprehensive program should include:

  • Simulated phishing 
  • Online or eLearning training 
  • Classroom or face-to-face training
  • Executive briefings  
  • Attack/breach simulation workshop

Tailored, modular programs like this ensure employees are equipped to handle evolving cyber threats. At The Missing Link, we offer customised security awareness training, giving your team the skills they need to protect your organisation.

Need help with your cyber security? Contact us today! 

At The Missing Link, we understand the critical role cyber security training plays in protecting your organisation. We’re passionate about helping businesses stay secure by equipping their employees with the knowledge and skills to mitigate risks.

If you’re ready to invest in your team’s cyber security awareness, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a solution to fit your needs.



Louise Wallace