Microsoft 365 Copilot

Readiness & Training Services

Learn how to use Microsoft 365 Copilot to its full potential to meet your business goals.

Boost your creativity and performance with Copilot, changing the way you work.

Streamline everyday tasks in common tools like Teams, Word, Excel, and more. With next-gen AI, powered by extensive language models and your organisation's data, Microsoft 365 Copilot uses natural language to enhance your productivity.

However, it’s not as simple as turning it on. Organisations need to ensure their IT systems, data and users are prepared.  

Here’s how we can assist:

  • Technical readiness assessments
  • Leadership strategy sessions
  • End user training
  • Deployment plan development

Don't know where to start?

Get started with our Microsoft 365 Copilot Readiness Assessment where you will receive a FREE evaluation of your organisation's readiness by just answering a few questions.







Why invest in Microsoft 365 Copilot Readiness & Training services?

Our Microsoft 365 Copilot services have been developed in partnership with our industry-leading experts in IT, cyber security and automation. That means you're getting the best insights - and you'll reap benefits such as:  

  • A clearer picture of your technical requirements
  • An understanding of the potential benefits and risks across roles
  • Change management strategies to drive adoption
  • Learning how to effectively structure prompts to capitalise on productivity

How can we help you implement Microsoft 365 Copilot?


This stage offers a foundational understanding of Copilot, setting the groundwork for subsequent phases.

Technical assessment

Here, we assess your technical landscape to identify gaps or opportunities.

Art of the possible workshop

Participants gain a deep dive into Copilot's capabilities, and we assist you to define a future state.
Prioritised roadmap

This is dedicated to developing a roadmap, aligned with your business objectives.
Actionable plan

A strategic implementation plan, post discussions on findings and next steps.

Interested in tailored training for your organisation?

66% of users are already using generative AI in their jobs and not telling their boss*. Train your organisation on how to safely and effectively use tools like ChatGPT and Microsoft 365 Copilot to maximise productivity.


*Source: Deloitte AI Institute Report - September 2023



Additional resources

infographic-copilot-embrace-power-ai-power (2)

Embrace the AI-powered future of work

The pace of work is outpacing 

our ability to keep up. Generative AI represents an enormous opportunity.



Prompting do's and don'ts

Get the most out of Copilot and avoid 
common pitfalls by learning what to do 
and what not to do when writing prompts.



The art of prompting

Ready your IT environment for
Copilot for Microsoft 365 adoption, configuration, security and compliance, and deployment.


Your Essential Guide to Microsoft 365 Copilot

Uncover the essential strategies needed to ready your organisation for Microsoft 365 Copilot, and discover best practices for navigating data protection and governance in our CheckITout podcast.





Want to learn more about Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Contact us! Complete this form and you will hear back from us soon.

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